Interview with IPP-NRI Professor dr hab. Anna Tratwal, on the Innovative Online Pest Warning System, originally posted on Radio Poznań website
In 2016, acting in cooperation with the Skierniewice Institute of Horticulture and the Puławy Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, the Poznań Institute of Plant Protection of the National Research Institute launched the Online Pest Warning System website (, which significantly contributes to the achievement of goals and the completion of measures aimed at achieving conformity with integrated agricultural plant production and protection guidelines.
The key role of the Online Pest Warning System is to disseminate to the public the results of harmful organism monitoring from about 350 agricultural field locations throughout the country. The crops monitored are winter wheat, winter oilseed rape, maize, potato, sugar beet and broad beans.
The tool enables all concerned state administration, advisory and scientific units, as well as businesses, industry organizations and farmers, to work together closely in the general field of plant protection.
How does the platform work in practice? Where does the information it shares come from? How popular has it been since the pandemic? These and other questions are answered in a Radio Poznań interview with Professor dr hab. Anna Tratwal, Head of Pest Monitoring and Reporting at the Poznań Institute of Plant Protection.
You can hear the full interview (in Polish) at:
An extensive effort has been made in pursuance with the National Action Plan 2013-2017 to Reduce the Risk Associated with the Use of Plant Protection Products, whose main objectives are to disseminate the fundamental principles of integrated plant protection and mitigate risks associated with the use of plant protection products. Particularly notable is the active involvement in such efforts of industry organizations alongside advisors, research institutes and state administration bodies.
Substantial contribution to implementing the goals and activities adopted in the National Action Plan have been made by long-term programs implemented by research institutes supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture, which ensured transfers of knowledge into farming practice. A key new objective pursued in the long-term programs in the field of plant protection has been to develop and launch the Online Pest Warning System ( and monitor economically significant agricultural crop pests. The platform is run by the Institute of Plant Protection – the National Research Institute in close cooperation with the Institute of Horticulture and the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation of the National Research Institute. The project is financed by the Multiannual Programs carried out by:
The tool enables all concerned bodies and organizations to cooperate broadly and coherently in the field of plant protection and, in particular, share and access information on:
Based on the prior experience of research institutes, industry institutions and industry organizations and prior efforts to disseminate and apply the general principles of integrated pest management, we encourage you to actively use the Online Pest Warning System and, in particular, to monitor pests in fields and make monitoring results available to farmers.
Persons interested in contributing observations made on agricultural holdings or demonstration and experimental farms may be provided with access to an application that will allow them to post details. Please submit applications and any questions you might have to the Institute of Plant Protection – the National Research Institute at tel. 61 864 9075 or fax 61 864 91 20.
Project implemented as part of tasks 1.5
Multiannual Program of the IPP-NRI for 2016-2020
Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute
Ulica: Władysława Węgorka 20
60-318 Poznań
tel. +48 61 864 90 75
fax +48 61 864 91 20